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Financial Reporting and Analysis Today: Making the Process Easier, Faster & Better
CFANY Conference Center
1540 Broadway
Suite 1010 (45th Street Entrance)
New York, NY 10036
Registration Deadline
Wednesday May 3 2017
Member $30
Nonmember $70
$10 Surcharge for Walk-Ins
FREE LiveStream
Members Only
CFA Institute CE
Sponsored by Kaplan Schweser
2.0 Credits
Structured financial reporting offers considerable value to investors today, additional improvements would increase its value considerably. Investors are not fully aware of the tools currently available and how these tools can assist in their investment process.
- The program will explore how technology, like the XBRL data standard, can be harnessed to reform the financial reporting process and walk through key issues including:
- How technology can be used to enhance the analytical process
- The importance of financial data for investment decision making
- Recommendations for regulators and standard setters about how to improve the quality of corporate disclosures
- Additional ways structure data would augment the usefulness of reported data, such as in the MD&A and earnings releases
Learning Outcome
Investors should be able to better understand how they can benefit from structured reporting today and in the future.
Who Should Attend
CFOs, Directors, Analysts, Portfolio Managers
5:35PM Check-in
6:00PM Welcoming Remarks
Arthur Fliegelman, CFA,, Analyst in the policy studies unit of the Office of Financial Research,
6:05PM Panel Discussion
Mohini Singh, ACA,Director, Financial Reporting Policy, CFA Institute
R. Harold Schroeder, Board Member, Financial Accountingg Standards Board (FASB)
Mark Montoya, Chief of data Strategy, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Michael Willis, CPA, Assistant Director, Office of Structured Disclosure Division of economic and Risk Analysis, SEC
Todd Castagno, CFA, CPA, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley
Pranav Ghai, Co-Founder, Calcbench
7:55PM Closing Remarks
Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US
8:00PM Reception
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